Norton-in-Hales CofE Nursery & Primary School

  1. Enrichment
  2. Cultral Capital

Cultural Capital 

“It is the essential knowledge that pupils need to be educated citizens, introducing them to the best that has been thought and said, and helping to engender an appreciation of human creativity and achievement” OFSTED 2019

Cultural Capital gives a child power. It helps them achieve goals, become successful, and rise up the social ladder without necessarily having wealth or financial capital.


At Norton in Hales Primary School, we recognise that for a child to aspire and be successful academically and in the wider areas of their lives, they need to be given rich and sustained opportunities to develop.

 There are six key areas of development that are interrelated and cumulatively contribute to a child’s Cultural Capital:

  1. Personal Development 
  2. Social Development
  3. Physical Development
  4. Spiritual Development
  5. Moral Development
  6. Cultural Development


Each Year Group makes its own unique contribution to children's Cultural Capital development and supports SMSA across the school.


On Monday 20th January 2020, Angelica class took part in some First Aid training. Everyone got involved and they all had a great time! Well done Angelica Class!