Norton-in-Hales CofE Nursery & Primary School

  1. Key Information
  2. Governors



Governors are a group of committed people from across the community, who work to support our school and ensure every child feels happy, safe and secure whilst receiving the best education possible. Governors are volunteers and do this important work without pay.


What does the Governing Body do?

  • The Governing Body is essential to the effective running of the school. Governors set the overall strategy, vision and direction of the school, act as a critical friend and are responsible for the school budget.


  • Governors have regular meetings to discuss and review the school’s business. They make visits to the school to evaluate how procedures and policies work in practise, to support the delivery of high-quality education. Governors measure the impact of school developments and constructively challenge school leaders to ensure we best meet the needs of all our children.


  • The work of the full Governing Body is disseminated through smaller committees which are principally:
  • The Resources Committee
  • The Premises, Security, Health and Safety Committee
  • The Standards and Curriculum Committee
  • The Performance Management and Employment Issues Committee
  • There are a number of other statutory committees which only meet as and when required

 Our school governors:

  • have a genuine interest in our children's future
  • offer time, energy and enthusiasm
  • have a desire to make a difference
  • accept responsibility
  • work as a team
  • are happy to ask questions, listen and learn

 How do I become a governor?

Being a governor is a rewarding way to make a difference to the lives of our children. From time to time we have vacancies on our governing body. Vacancies will be posted on our newsletters and in local news forums. If you feel you have what it takes to be part of our team, working to achieve the best for our children, we would be pleased to hear from you. You do not have to have previous governor experience to join our team. All our governors receive regular information and advice to help them in their roles and full training is provided.

 Our governing body

Our governing body is made up of several different types of governor:

  • The head teacher 
  • foundation governors who are appointed by the diocese and ensure that the Christian distinctiveness of the school drives all that we do. These governors are automatically entitled to be a governor as part of their office.
  • Parent governors are elected by the parent body
  • LA governors are appointed by the Local Authority
  • Co-opted governors are elected by the governing body
  • Staff governors are elected by the staff.
  • The number and ratio of each type of governor is laid down in our constitution also known as the ‘instrument of government’.
  • Our governors are elected to serve for 4 years, except for our ex officio governors who remain in post for the length of their employment in that role.


 Governors are held account to the highest standards in serving in this role. They are required to declare if they have or could be seen to have a conflict of interest in any decision making. For Parent governors this means that they are expected to put the interests of every child and the whole school community ahead of any personal interest or passion relating to their own child’s education. Declarations of conflicts of interest are an agenda item for every committee meeting, so that transparency can be upheld. Governors are expected to attend governors’ meetings regularly. Apologies for absence have to be accepted and agreed by the committee in order for governors to continue to serve.


Our Governing Body 

 Chair of Governors -   Richard Wakelin                            ,  Vice-Chair  - Jean Pennie  

Every Governor takes on responsibility for specific focus areas that are either a statutory requirement or are critical priorities on our school development plan.  The dates when governors term of office end are noted under their name and their Link Governor responsibilities are detailed underneath their photograph.  Further information about the Governing Body including how roles are appointed, Associate Governors, Committee Membership and Register of Interests are detailed in the following link  

Information about Norton in Hales CE Primary School Governing Body- Register of Interest 

GB Membership and Link Governor Responsibilities 2024-2025

Governor Attendance Register Autumn 2023-Summer 2024

Richard Wakelin


LA Governor


 Jean Pennie

Vice Chair

Co-Opted Governor


    Aimee Webster

Co-Opted Governor


Melissa Lewis

Foundation Governor


Emma Morris

Staff Governor










Luke Phillpott

  Parent Governor







Mike Sneath

Co-opted Governor





David Mason 

Co- opted Governor 


Richard Ancliffe

           Associate Governor  

Angela Alkureishi 


No end date